Our Blog

Sprials of Life - We're Four Today!
We are FOUR today! We officially opened our website on 14th October 2017. I was three weeks away from my due date—we were busy! I felt like I'd closed a circle. I played two games as a child - answering...
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The Trouble with Foam Blocks
The Trouble with Foam Yoga Blocks  We love using foam props, and they definitely enhance our practice. But, as an eco-minded company, doing our best to avoid a greenwashing - we are hitting a bit of a wall with this particular...
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The Yamas: A deeper look at aparigraha
Aparigraha (ah-pah-ree-grah-hah) translates to non-possessiveness or non-attachment. This important yama teaches us to take only what we need, keep only what serves us in the moment and to let go when the time is right. It builds upon the previous yamas and asks us to look at where we are clinging onto things that we no longer need.
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