Our Blog

"Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world." - John Muir. Oh so happy to be able to write this post! It's remarkable how many of our products contain 'tree'; they are also wrapped in 'recycled tree'...
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I am a yoga teacher and a massage therapist - and I love my props! So when I was performing a Sports massage on one of my clients, I thought I could to with a smaller, more versatile bolster. Something...
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Our fourth sub-limb of the Yamas is brahmacharya (brah-muh-char-yuh). This has many different meanings including celibacy and restraint which makes it an unpopular or misunderstood Yama. However, this Yama is a beautiful way of exploring where we are putting energy - sexual or otherwise. In Sanskrit ‘Brahma’ means God / creative force / divine / *insert word(s) of your choice* whilst ‘charya’ means to follow. Since Brahma is within all of us, brahmacharya means utilising your prana (vital energy) for your highest good.
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There are many bolsters on the market - different shapes, sizes, fillings, weights - it can be overwhelming.
We've handpicked the best materials to make the PERFECT long-lasting eco bolsters, at the perfect dimensions for everybody. Our happy customer reviews agree :)
The Filling
Let's start in the middle—the filling. We can separate fillings into two categories - lightweight, fibre or foam-based fillings, and heavier, grain-based fillings.

Asteya (uh-stay-ah) is our third sub-principle within the Yamas. It translates to non-stealing. And just as with ahimsa and satya there is more to this yama than meets the eye. Stealing is defined as “to take the property of another...
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