Our Blog

You have probably had moments where you’ve experienced dharana (dhaar-uh-nah) - you are lost in the flow of doing something you love and before you know it two hours have passed. Wouldn’t it be great to intentionally bring this level...
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Ekotex Yoga is excited to share with you our yoga bolsters filled with the goodness of locally sourced, organic spelt husk! Not only is it an eco-friendly and sustainable filling option, but it also brings a host of health benefits to your yoga...
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By now we all know that yoga is vast - it’s more than asana. Yoga guides us as we explore our inner world and our outer world. You may have noticed that the first 4 limbs of yoga (yama, niyama,...
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Pranayama (prah-nah-yah-muh) is often translated as breathwork, and whilst this is certainly part of it, there is more to it. The word prana is used interchangeably with oxygen or the air we breathe, however it is far more subtle than...
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If just one of the things in the past few years had happened, that alone would have significantly impacted our little company. But it's been one thing after another, and the cumulative effect has been and still is, pretty painful...
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