2021 - A message from Abbie Sweet, Founder.

Firstly, I hope you are well – in all respects – physically, mentally, spiritually. 2020 was a challenging year, and it already seems that 2021 will bring its own challenges.
We are fortunate enough to have been able to remain open throughout 2020. We have been tweaking and improving our range. We have so much to share with you later in the year!
I've posted a small update on the impact of Brexit here.
Thank you! To everyone who purchased during BFCM, we donated to the Odanadi Seva trust for every sale. We raised £801.32 to help in the fight against human trafficking.
In our wee January Sale, we raised £221 for Edinburgh Food Project who operate food banks throughout Edinburgh. We're topping this up with the amount we would have spent on our annual team Christmas meal too.
I want to thank all of our teacher affiliates for supporting our business throughout the pandemic. We hope any commission you have earned by spreading the word has helped in some way. We are happy to report that we paid our teachers far more than Facebook and Google combined in 2020.
And finally, I know this is a bit of a cliché, but please bear with me. I want to write a little about gratitude and giving. The majority of us have experienced mental dips throughout 2020. It is always the small things that bring me back. Enjoying an A-grade cup of tea, a smile, a stranger saying 'good morning', the sound of my child laughing, or the memory of a loved one passed – they all bring me back to place of presence and happiness. My partner and I have a warm home and each other, what more could we possibly need?
I hope, amongst other hopes, that coronavirus has highlighted what matters. Has taught us that consumption, buying something new, does not bring happiness. Wealth, 'stuff', does not bring joy. The small, priceless things do.
On the flip side - poverty is directly related to sadness. It can be a source of constant stress and can destroy a person's perception of freedom or control over their own life. As someone who studies Yoga philosophy and tries to live in line with its values, I know I need to use my insight and gratitude to help others in a practical way. A smile, or a cup of tea, a friendly word, a donation, or the biggest gift of all - some time. Together they all work magic and have a healthy side-effect of bringing ourselves to the place we occupy, away from the rolling news.
I wish you all the best for 2021. Thank you for being so kind, understanding and supportive, and giving all of my team such a positive purpose.
Stay in touch.
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