Our Blog

From today, we're donating 1 tree from every order we receive online!
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Firstly, I hope you are well – in all respects – physically, mentally, spiritually. 2020 was a challenging year, and it already seems that 2021 will bring its own challenges. We are fortunate enough to have been able to remain...
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This is the first product we have made in the UK, and it will be the first of many. We developed this product in April 2020 due to supply chain disruption caused by Covid. We managed to source materials from suppliers across the UK and Europe,and produced the bolster here in the UK too.
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What is greenwashing? As defined by the Cambridge dictionary - to make people believe that your company is doing more to protect the environment than it really is. Greenwashing was coined by Jay Westerveld back in 1986, at a time when public access...
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