Goodbye Yoga Shop, Hello Ekotex!

Hello, This is Bruce, founder of The Yoga Shop. Today I have some exciting news for you and me. After nearly 20 years The Yoga Shop has closed.
The good news is that it will re-open on Saturday, 7th October with new owners Abbie and James Sweet under the name and brand Ekotex Yoga.
Many of you already know Abbie who has managed and run the shop successfully for the last two years. I am delighted to pass the reigns over to Abbie and James. I know they have exciting new ideas and plans for Ekotex Yoga.
I also wish to close on a personal note. The final decision for me to step down was formed last year when I heard the deeply saddening news that Paul Walker from YogaMatters had passed away. Paul and myself started our businesses at the same time with Paul being an Iyengar teacher and myself an Ashtanga teacher, both young and with similar visions. Although on paper we were competitors, whenever we met up we shared deep and meaningful discussions. I had huge respect for Paul - whenever we did the yoga shows I was always in awe at how well he operated the retail side of the business.
Moving forward I am looking forward to the next stage of the journey and to seeing Abbie and James manifest their vision for Ekotex Yoga. Please give Abbie and James your full support.
Om Tat Sat
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